Sault Area Garden Club Chippewa County, Michigan
Sault Area Garden Club

Be a Contributor!

  • Earn Master Gardener volunteer hours!
  • Photo of your garden in the Evening News

First deadline: May 19

Evening News

Contribute to the Evening News:
Photos of your gardens and gardening articles are needed.

Brenda Weber, Sunday Editor, and Raulaniesa Aranda, Lifestyles Editor, of the Evening News would like your help. They would like photos, and stories, respectively, of gardens and gardening. Any and all seasons are welcome subjects.

Photos of Your Garden
Brenda is looking for photos [from this year, or years past] of gardens. Subjects may include, but are not limited to: Single flowers, trees, whole gardens, rock gardens, ponds, waterfalls, shrubs, vegetables, stepping stones, benches, statues, etc.

If you have your own photos, and would like to submit them--you may e-mail her at (photos should be at least 150 dpi), or you may bring them in to be scanned and returned. If you would like our photographer to come out and take the photo, that would be perfectly lovely as well -- please call 632-2235 and ask for Brenda; she'll take down the time, your address, etc. and schedule it.

Photos will be in color (or sepia, if desired) and published in the Features (or B-section) of the Sunday paper. Required information includes:

  • The name of the person who took the photo
  • what type of plant, etc. is featured
  • where the garden is located

(exact addresses will not be published, unless a specific request is made. For example, if a beautiful rose bush is photographed at 800 Swinton, the accompanying caption would say either "a south side garden" or a "garden on Swinton St.")

Gardening Articles
Raulaniesa is looking for articles--again, subjects and materials may vary. As school is winding down for the summer, she's specifically looking for stories by local gardeners (or Master Gardener students -- we've been told that educational credit is earned by publishing original work) to fill her Friday "Family/Education" pages.

Length of stories is negotiable, but they may be edited for punctuation and grammar. The girls lay out pages using "inches" for size measurement. A good inch-count to aim for is 16--over or under is just fine, too. One way to estimate this is that one and a half typed pages, double spaced equals about 11 inches. Name of the author, and identification (whether the person is a local gardener with a specialty or is a student working towards his or her Master Gardener certification) will be published along with the story.

Raulaniesa may be e-mailed at, or articles may be brought in or faxed (632-1222). E-mailed submissions, however, are preferred. And, if (for example) the article is a "how-to," and you would like to submit an accompanying photo--please feel free.

Brenda and Raulaniesa are hoping to publish the first photos and stories as early as late May. They would like the first submissions by Friday, May 19. Please feel free to e-mail either of them (Brenda for photos: or Raulaniesa for articles: or call them at the newspaper: 632-2235 if you have any questions or would like more information.


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